Hummus is a food dip which is used with crispy tortilla or pita chips or veggies as an appetizer. There are many kind of Hummus recipe. This recipe is made using boiled chickpeas and asparagus, dry roasted sesame seeds, garlic blended along with Olive oil. Basically, Hummus made with Tahini sauce but you can use roasted sesame seeds for this recipe for the same taste. Asparagus has lot’s of health benefits. This dip is very healthy quick and easy to make. Asparagus hummus flavored with garlic and sesame seeds gives a nice garlicky flavor to hummus.You can skip garlic if you don’t like it.
- 10-12 Asparagus blanched
- 3/4 cup Boiled chickpeas
- 1/2 lemon juice
- 2 cloves Garlic
- 1/2 Avacado
- 1 tbsp Dry roasted sesame seeds or tahini sauce
- 1 tsp Dry roasted cumin powder
- 1/2 tsp Black pepper powder
- 3 tbsp Olive oil
- Some fresh coriander leaves
- Salt to taste
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